Every Day Carry. What does it Mean?

So I just had someone ask me what EDC means. We started using the term on some of the videos on our site and frankly, because we have started publishing some of our review videos out of order, and because we’re obviously non-strategic and haven’t put a lot of thought to this whole new website thing… We have failed to explain what the heck EDC stands for.

Thankfully, there are websites like www.everydaycarry.com, that does a much better job than we do!

http://everydaycarry.com/EDC = Every Day Carry. See what we did there?

Actually, we didn’t do anything. EDC has been used for a long time, and even everydaycarry.com does a fantastic job of showing items that people carry around with them that have nothing to do with knives. It’s cool to see what others have on their person at all times. It’s a great way to see what you’re missing in your life 🙂

I personally carry everywhere I go a few things.

  • My iphone. Gotta have it.
  • My wallet. No money in it, but I’ve not gone all applepay on everything yet, and so, I still have to carry a wallet.
  • My leatherman juice. I’ve discovered that having it has opened up a world of need. It’s funny how having it with me has produced opportunities to crack it open and tighten a loose screw or bolt.
  • Normally, My Kershaw Chive (although today I decided to grab an old D.W.O out of the drawer) It’s always sharp. Just enough blade for me. Always prepared.
  • Keys. Man Do I have keys. Like a highschool janitor.
  • My Moleskine  Journal. This deserves a little more explanation, but there is hardly a moment that I am not carrying around a moleskine. Sometimes I carry with me the smallest Moleskine that you can buy which I use for Idea capture. My workflow is a constant joggle. I need something to capture those ideas, things to do, tasks, thoughts… whatever that I need to remember. Generally these items then are transferred to my larger Moleskine planner (Which is on me today…) Where I use the Bullet Journal Method of Getting Things Done. It works for me.
  • Some sort of writing device – Pen, Pencil, Heck… I’ve been known to carry a crayon around. Have to have something with the constant journalling I do.
  • My Business Card Holder – Last thing that I almost always have with me is my business cards. You never know when a moment will arise that you need to share contact info. Yeah, there are digital ways of doing this, but frankly, I like paper.


Now that I look at all that crap in my pockets… I think I need to add some more color.

There are other EDC items that I have, and maybe I should do a cool post like they have over on the everydaycarry.com website.

So…what do you have in your pockets right now?

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